Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Overview of WordPress perks

Overview of WordPress perks
                    An great overview of WordPress perks As you're interested in generating custom themes for WordPress, you'll be very happy to know (especially all you web standards evangelists) that WordPress really does separate content from design.You may already know from painful experience that many content management and blog systems end up publishing their content prewrapped in (sometimes large) chunks of layout HTML, peppered with all sorts of predetermined selector id and class names.You usually have to do a fair amount of sleuthing to figure out what these IDs and classes are so that you can create custom CSS rules for them. This is very time consuming.
The good news is, WordPress publishes only two things:
1.    ..The site's textual content—the text you enter into the post and the page administration panels
2.    ..Supplemental site content such as widgets, banners, and menus, wrapped in div tags, li tags, or nav tags depending on how the theme is coded
WordPress can also include classes which let you add styling based on a variety of circumstances. Most of those classes are controlled directly by the template tags (which we'll get into later).
That's it! You decide how everything published via WordPress is styled and displayed.
The culmination of all those styling and display decisions, along with WordPress template tags that pull your site's content into your design, are what your WordPress theme consists of.

Does a WordPress site have to be a blog ?

The answer to this question is—no. WordPress has been capable of managing static pages and subpages since Version 1.5. Static pages are different from blog posts in that they aren't constrained by the chronology of posts. This means that you can manage a wide variety of content with pages and their subpages.
WordPress also has a great community of developers supporting it with an ever-growing library of plugins. Using plugins, you can expand the capabilities of your server-installed WordPress site to include infinite possibilities such as event calendars, image galleries, sidebar widgets, and even shopping carts. For just about anything you can think of, you can probably find a WordPress plugin to help you out. By considering how you want to manage content via WordPress, what kind of additional plugins you might employ, and how your theme displays all that content, you can easily create a site that is completely unique and original in concept as well as design.
Tips time

What are child themes?

We'll learn later, Advanced Theme Features, of this that you can actually create a child theme off any theme, be it a framework theme, a premium theme, or your best friend's WordPress theme experiment.

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