Monday, May 29, 2017

Start a project in hitfilm pro 2017

Starting a project

                            After starting HitFilm you can Start a project in hitfilm pro 2017  if you are presented with the Home screen. From here you can quickly access your recent saved projects or create a new project. Clicking the New button will take you to the Project screen, where you set up your initial project settings:

Templates are provided for most common video formats up to 8k resolution. You can also customize
your setup and save your own templates by clicking on the Save icon.
 Start a project in hitfilm pro

It is advisable to be familiar with the formatting details of the footage you will be editing, before you
begin your project. If you know the resolution, frame rate, and aspect ratio of your footage, enter that
information here. If you don't know these settings, then don't worry. You can skip them for now, and
HitFilm can edit the settings later to match the video files you import.


The project resolution which HitFilm will support is dependent on the amount of video RAM on your
Less than 1GB of video RAM supports resolutions up to 1920x1088
1GB of RAM up to 4GB will support resolutions up to 4096 x 4096
4GB or more of video RAM will support resolutions up to 8192 x 8192


Select the sample rate that you wish to use for your project. In general, this should be the same
sample rate used by your video files.

Start Buttons
When starting a new project you have two options for getting started:
Start Compositing: Creates a new composite shot using the project settings. This is useful if you
want to immediately start work on a visual effects shot.
Start Editing: Sets up your editor timeline so that you can start importing and editing your clips.
Use this option if you are using HitFilm as your main editor.
You can return to the Project screen at any time to update your project settings, by clicking the
Project button at the top of the HitFilm interface.

Saving & loading projects
Saving a project file gives you the ability to work on a project over several sessions. All of your
project decisions are saved into a HitFilm project file. The next time you load the project file you can
continue from exactly where you left it.

            Project media is not included in the project file. If you move the project file to a different
computer you will need to copy or transfer the media files as well.”

If you want to create a new video file which can be played outside of HitFilm, see the chapter on

Saving your project
The quickest and easiest way to save your project is to click the Save button on the navigation bar.
This will update your saved project file. If it is the first time you have saved the project you will need
to specify a location for the file.


You can also use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save your project.
The File menu also has Save and Save As options. Save As can be used to create a new copy of
the project file on your computer, after which clicking the Save icon will save to the newer project.
If the Save icon is dark gray it means that you have not made any changes to your project since you
last saved.
Hovering the mouse over the Save icon will display the location of the project file on your computer.
HitFilm also has an auto-save feature built in, which allows the software to save your project at
regular intervals. This allows you to recover your work in the event of a power failure or similar
situations. To learn more about setting up Auto Save, please see the page on the HitFilm Options

Loading projects

To load a project select Open from the Home screen or File menu, then locate the project file on
your computer.
You can also select from a list of recent projects in the File menu and on the Home screen
You can import composite shots from one project into another project. This is useful for transferring
visual effects shots and templates between projects, or for importing data created in mocha HitFilm.
In the Media panel, click the menu button to the right of the Import... button and select Composite
Shot. You can now select either a project file or a composite shot file to import into your current

 Start a project in hitfilm pro

When importing a project file HitFilm will analyze the file and display a list of available composite
shots. You can select specific composite shots to import..

 Start a project in hitfilm pro

Imported composite shots will be listed in new folders in the Media panel. If any of the composite
shots used embedded composite shots, these will also be imported. The editor timeline from one
project can not be imported into another using this method. If you wish to move your editor timeline
from one project to another, you must first export it, to create a new video file. The new file created
can then be imported into a new HitFilm project.
For more information on composite shots see Introducing the two timelines.

Saving composite shots

Composite shots can be saved to your computer and then imported into other projects. This is very
useful for creating templates involving multiple layers.
To export a composite shot, locate it in the Media panel then choose Save As... from its menu.
That saving a composite shot does not include embedded composite shots or associated
If you need to create a template using multiple composite shots you should save it as a normal
project, then import that project as described in Saving & loading projects.
Composite shots can be imported into a project using the Composite Shot option in the menu to the
right of the Import... button in the Media panel so if you want to play with it you can do that also this was all about hitfilm pro project starting .

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