Saturday, May 27, 2017

3ds max what is it?

3ds max what is it?                           3ds max what is it? the question ask by many peoples there for I will answer 3ds max what is it? Question today. Autodesk 3ds Max, formerly 3D Studio, then 3D StudioMax is a professional 3D computer graphics program for making 3D animations, models, games and images. It is developed and produced by Autodesk Media and Entertainment.

A signifi cant portion of your work as a 3D artist will involve sketching and drawing throughout the design process. Not only will these visual explorations help convey your ideas to others, but they will help you see problems within a design and help you refi ne your ideas. 3D computer modeling and animation take design visualization beyond hand-drawn sketches and foam-core models by allowing you to create a complete replica of your design and study it from any point of view in any lighting condition.
With AutodeskR 3ds MaxR , you can apply color, texture, lighting, and other effects to see
how variations of these elements affect your design. You can get a realistic look at your design to help you make better decisions as you progress through the design process.
Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 is intended to help an extremely broad audience ranging
from those interested in creating content for fi lms, television, and games to architects, designers and visualization artists to present their designs through 3D models, rendered still images,and animations. This book focuses on the use of 3ds Max 2013 as a modeling and presentation tool. Because Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 is focused on such varied issues, you will not find comprehensive information about character animation or advanced special effects. You also will not find descriptions of every single tool or function available in 3ds Max 2013, since the software
is extremely robust and the length of this book, after all, is limited.
In this book you will find step-by-step tutorials covering the primary functions of the software
that you will use in the process of modeling, texturing, lighting, and animating projects.
These tutorials are based on years of experience using 3ds Max on real projects with real
requirements and deadlines. By completing the tutorials, you will learn how to construct complex geometric forms and how to apply realistic textures and lighting to study a design. You will also learn how to create effects to help emphasize parts of your projects for presentations. Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max is also an Official Training Guide for Autodesk’s 3ds Max certification exam. See Autodesk 3ds Site for more information about certification.
As you probably already know, Vray is a render plugin. ... Vray's features mainly aim at creating photorealistic images, together with improving rendering speed. Currently, Vray exist for 3D Studio Max, Maya, Rhinoceros 3D, Sketchup, Softimage, Blender and there's even a standalone version available.'

This is how much more you'll pay for Autodesk software

ProductPerpetual LicenseUpgrade Fee
3ds Max$3,675$2,575
3ds Max Entertainment Creation Suite Standard$5,775$4,045
AutoCAD Design Suite Premium$5,245$3,670

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