Saturday, May 20, 2017


WordPress is one of the most popular open source content management systems available,with global and vibrant user, developer, and support communities. While it can be compared to Type Pad, Moveable Type, Google’s Blogger, and the Apache Roller project as a user-generated content workhorse, WordPress distinguishes itself with a broad array of hosting options, functional extensions (plugins), and aesthetic designs and elements (themes).


                 With the rise of self-publishing, low-cost web hosting, and freely available core components like the MySQL database, blogging software followed the same trend as most other digital technologies,moving from high-end, high-cost products to widely available, low-cost consumer or “hobbyist”systems. WordPress isn’t simply about creating a blog so that you can have a digital diary attached to your vanity URL; it has evolved into a full-fl edged content management system used by individuals and enterprises alike. This section takes a brief tour through the early history of WordPress and brings you up to speed on the current release and user community. 
WordPress started similarly to many other popular open source software packages: Some talented
developers saw a need to create a powerful, simple tool based on an existing project licensed under
the GPL. Michel Valdrighi’s b2/cafelog system provided the starting point, and WordPress was built
as a fork of that code base by developers Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. WordPress first appeared
in 2003 and was also built on the MySQL open source database for persisting content with PHP as
the development platform. Valdrighi remains a contributor to the project, which is thriving as it has
a growing and interested community of users and developers on a growing and interested
community of users and developers.
                As with other systems written in PHP, it is self-contained in the sense that installation,
configuration, operation, and administration tasks are all contained in PHP modules. WordPress’s
popularity has been driven in part by its simplicity, with the phrase “five-minute installation”
making appearances in nearly every description or book about WordPress. Beyond getting to a first
post, WordPress was designed to be extended and adaptable to the different needs of
different people.
WordPress today is supported by a handful of core developers and many key contributors. Mike
Little runs the WordPress specialty shop and he contributes the occasional patch to the
code. Matt Mullenweg’s company, Automattic, continues to operate the hosting
service as well as fund development of related content and site management tools, including Akismet,
multi-site WordPress, and Gravatar. Akismet is a robust, Automattic-hosted spam detection and
protection service with a statistically (and incredibly) low failure-to-detect rate. Previously known
as WordPress MU, multi-site WordPress functions are at the heart of the hosting
system and are now merged into the main WordPress source tree. Gravatar dynamically serves images
tied to e-mail addresses, providing a hosted icon with a variety of display options. Think of it as a
service to make hot-linking your profi le picture technically and socially acceptable.
As a content management system, the WordPress system defi nition doesn’t stop at time-serialized
posts with comments. BuddyPress is a set of themes and plugins that extends WordPress into a
functional social networking platform, allowing registered users to message and interact with
each other, again with all content managed within the WordPress framework. Similarly, bbPress
is a PHP- and MySQL-based system designed for forums (bulletin boards) that is distinct from
WordPress but is commonly integrated with, “WordPress Developer Community,” covers some of the WordPress adjunct systems in more detail, but they’re included here to provide a sense of how WordPress has expanded beyond a basic single-user–oriented tool. At the same time, the authors are not endorsing or making a commercial for Automattic, but delving into the guts of WordPress without a spin of the propeller hat toward Mullenweg and Little is somewhere between incorrigible and bad community behavior.
     Major release. Each successive release of WordPress has included improvements in the administration and control functions (Dashboard); backup, export,
and import functions; and installation and upgrade features. Even if you start with a slightly
down-rev version of WordPress, you’ll be able to bring it up to the current release and maintain the
freshness of your install. Install and upgrade paths are touched on later in this course. But just how
popular is WordPress?

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