Monday, June 5, 2017

Importing file to hitfilm

Importing files

Importing file o hitfilm
Media panel
How is this done by video editor to import file to hitfilm so here is answer To use media files in your project you need to first import them. Once imported they become assets in the Media panel, where they can be accessed and re-used as many times as you want. Importing media to your project does not alter or affect the original source files on your computer, as HitFilm only references the original files. Therefore removing a clip from a timeline or from the Media panel does not remove it from your computer. Similarly, duplicating a clip in a HitFilm project does not create multiple copies of the source, as they all reference the same source.

Other import options
Clicking the arrow to the right of the Import button displays additional import options.
Media is the standard option for importing videos, individual images and audio.
Image sequence is used for important sequential images stored in a single folder. Images should be numbered in frame order.
Composite shot is for importing HitFilm projects and composite shot files. See Saving composite shots for more details.
3D camera tracking data from software including Boujou, SynthEyes, PFtrack and more can be imported into HitFilm. This will create a new composite shot containing the 3D camera and point cloud.
3D model is for importing 3D objects, which can then be manipulated live on the HitFilm timeline. See Importing 3D models for more information.
3D model animation is for Alembic animation files, in the ABC format. These are used in
combination with an associated 3D model.
Once an item is in the Media panel you can customize its properties by clicking the gear icon to its right, or choosing Properties from its menu.
Supported formats
The following formats are supported by HitFilm:
Video: Quicktime (including 10-bit and 12-bit Pro-Res), AVCHD, AVI (including 10-bit and 12-bit GoPro Cineform), M2T, M2TS, MOV, MP4 (AVC/H264 & AAC), MPEG-1 & MPEG-2 (TS, PS, MPE, MPG, MPEG, M2V), MTS, MXF (DVCPro HD), DV, HDV, WMV
Audio: AAC, MP3, M4A, MPA, WAV, WMA
Images & sequences: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, OpenEXR (including 32-bit)
Project: HFP (HitFilm Project), HFCS (HitFilm Composite Shot)
Camera data: MA (Maya formatted)
Export: Quicktime, OpenEXR, MP4 (AVC/H264 & AAC), Image sequence (PNG, JPG, BMP), AVI (uncompressed, PAL DV, NTSC DV), YouTube direct upload

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