Monday, June 5, 2017

Trimm audio video in hitfilm

Trimming assets

The Trimmer can be used cut portion of video audio in hitfilm, or identify a specific section of a media asset before adding it to your timeline as a clip. This makes it easy to remove the start and end of a take, retaining the portion between 'action' and 'cut'.
The Trimmer is also useful for previewing media before using them on the timeline.

trimmer to cut audio or video in hitfilm
trimmer to cut audio or video in hitfilm

The Trimmer functions similarly to the Viewer, sharing several playback tools. See Introducing the Viewer for more information.
The In and Out buttons in the Trimmer are used to specify the section of the asset which will be added to the timeline. You can drag from the Trimmer directly onto the timeline, allowing you to position the new clip precisely. A green outline displays the drop location on the timeline.
Note that if you drag a clip from the Media panel the entire media asset will be used to create the clip, even if you've set up a trim section in the Trimmer. To use only the trimmed section,make sure you add the clip from the Trimmer.

trimmer to cut audio or video in hitfilm Inserting and Overlaying clips

Alternatively the Insert and Overlay buttons on the Trimmer can be used.
Insert places the clip at the playhead's position, moving affected clips out of the way.Any existing clips on the timeline will be moved to the right to make space for the new clip. If the playhead is in the middle of an existing clip it will be automatically sliced at that position. Overlay adds the clips at the playhead's position, replacing any existing clips which are occupying the affected frames.

trimmer to cut audio or video in hitfilm Snapping

The Snap button can be used to turn snapping on and off. Snapping ensures that clips connect directly with no blank frames in-between.
Clips snap to other clips and to the playhead. You can also jump the playhead to the start or end of clips using the Page Up and Page Down keys.

Automatically creating new tracks

You can automatically create a new track when placing a new clip by dropping it onto the blank area above or below the numbered video and audio tracks. This will create a new track and place the clip onto it.
For more information on working with tracks, read the Using audio and video tracks.

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