Slice and trimm clip in hitfilm
Once you have added clips to the
timeline you will want to further refine your video so you can edit Select move slice trimm slip ripple roll a video in HitFilm and do anything you want using the editing tools of.HitFilm's In HitFilm editing tools mean's slice trimm slip ripple roll and they are found on
the left edge of the timeline.
The Select tool is a multi-purpose tool that you can use for the
majority of your basic trimming.
Selecting clips
You can select single or multiple
clips with the Select tool. Selected clips are highlighted in blue. Simply click a clip to select it. Selecting a different clip will
deselect the first one.
Holding Ctrl while selecting clips enables you to select multiple clips.
You can also drag a selection box around multiple clips to select them all. By
default the
timeline will automatically scroll
left and right while dragging a selection box. Holding Alt while dragging will also automatically
scroll vertically through the video or audio tracks, depending where your mouse was positioned.
Moving clips
You can move any clip to a new
location on the timeline by dragging it with the mouse.
If you move a clip to a location which
is already occupied by other clips, an overlay
edit will be used by default. The existing clips
are sliced according to the moved clip's in and out points and the moved clip replaces that section on
the timeline. This means that the positions of other clips on your timeline are not affected. By holding the Shift key you can instead perform an insert edit. The moved clip slices the existing clips at the in point, then moves all
the affected clips to the right to make room.
Trimming clips
The Select tool is also used for
simple trim edits, when you want
to change a clip's in or out point. When you move your mouse over the
start or end of a clip it will change to the trim pointer. You can then drag with the mouse to change the
in or out point.As you change a clip's in or out point
the surrounding clips will not be affected. The Viewer will show a preview of the
currently trimmed frame.
There needs to be
enough room to make your trim edit. You can't move a clip's in or out point past the in or out
point of another clip.
You can't trim a clip
to be longer than its source media asset.
When working with a linked media asset
which contains video and audio, both tracks will be
trimmed in synchronization. You can
trim only one track by holding ALT while
performing the trim, atechnique known as J and L cuts.
The Slice tool is for cutting individual clips into multiple layers.
When using the slice tool, clicking
anywhere on a clip will cut it at that point, splitting it into two clips. You can slice a clip as many
times as you want.
After a clip has been sliced, both
pieces exist separately on the timeline and can be adjusted individually.
Holding Alt will slice all clips at that
Slip edits are useful for
adjusting the in and out points of a clip without affecting its length or position on the timeline. When the slip edit tool is selected on
the editor timeline you can click and drag on any clip to perform a slip edit. The Viewer changes to show useful
information during the slip edit. The top left and top right videos show
the adjacent frames before and after the selected clip. These do not move during the slip edit, as
the slip edit does not affect other clips.The larger, lower videos show the in
and out points for the selected clip. As you drag with the slip edit tool, the clip's duration and
position on the timeline remain unchanged but its in and out points are shifted.
The Viewer preview can be used to
easily check continuity between shots.
Timecode information shows the
relative slip edit change in the center and the new in and out points relative to the source media asset.
The Slide edit tool is used for quickly moving the position of a clip
on the timeline relative to those before and after it. The selected clip's duration and out
point do not change. The previous clip's out point and the next clip's in point are adjusted
automatically to accommodate the slid clip. The timeline shows a preview of the
slid clip's new location.
In the above image the bright blue
clip is being slid. The light blue overlay indicates where the clip is being slid, which is three frames to
the right. The Viewer updates with useful
information during a slide edit: The top two videos represent the start
and end points of the selected clip. These do not change as the duration and in and out points of
the selected clip do not change during a slide edit. The bottom two videos represent the
frames or the clips adjacent to the selected clip. As you slide the clip these update to show the new
frames at the edit points.
The Ripple edit tool is used to trim the in or out point of a single
clip, while adjusting the timeline to ensure no gaps or overlaps are
created. Therefore the edit 'ripples' down through the timeline. After a ripple edit, all clips
(including the selected clip, in the case of ripple editing its in point) to
the right are shifted in time automatically.This is a good way to ensure that your
timeline does not have any unwanted or accidental empty
space between clips. The Viewer updates with useful
information during a ripple edit:
When adjusting the in point of a clip
with the ripple edit tool, the selected clip will be shown on the right side of the Viewer. The adjacent
clip to the left is shown on the left side.
When adjusting the out point of a clip
the videos in the Viewer are reversed, with the selected clip on the left and the adjacent clip on the
right. During a ripple edit the selected clip
will update in the Viewer to show the current edit point.
Ripple delete
You can also ripple delete clips or
gaps. When a clip or gap is ripple deleted, all affected objects to its right are moved to close the gap. Any clip can be ripple deleted by
right clicking it and selecting Ripple
delete from its menu. Empty spaces on the timeline between
clips can also be ripple deleted.
A ripple delete might
not always fully close a gap, if there are obstructions on the timeline.
The Roll edit tool is used to trim two contiguous clips at the same
time. The out point of the first clip and the in point of the second
clip will be trimmed simultaneously, changing the duration of both clips without moving their positions
on the timeline. When you position the mouse on the
connecting line between two clips it will change the roll edit icon. Clicking and dragging with the
mouse will change the out point of the first clip and the in point of the second
simultaneously.Surrounding clips are unaffected. The Viewer updates with useful
information during a roll edit: The out point of the first clip is
shown on the left and the in point of the second clip is shown on the right. As you perform the roll edit
both previews will update to show the new edit points.
Rate stretch
Retiming can be used to speed up or
slow down playback for specific clips. Using the rate stretch tool to change a clip's in or out
point will retain the contents of the clip and change its playback speed to fit into the newly defined
space on the timeline.
For example, dragging the out point of
a clip so that the clip on the timeline is twice as long will cause the clip to playback at half
speed. You can also use the Speed/Duration
option in any clip's menu to perform a more accurate speed adjustment. This displays the Edit
speed/duration window:
The two properties, speed and
duration, can be linked or separated using the chain icon at the right. The behavior is subtly different depending
on the link state.
When unlinked, as in the picture
above, changing the speed will retain the clip's in and out positions on the timeline while changing the
playback speed of the clip's content. Changing the duration will change the out point of the clip
without affecting its playback speed.
When the two properties are linked
together, changing the speed will also automatically update the duration, moving the out point of the
clip to accommodate the same contents at the new speed. For example, a 2 second clip on the
timeline when changed to 50% speed will have a new duration of 4 seconds. Alternatively, you can change
the duration and the speed will be automatically changed to fit the clip's contents perfectly into
the new duration.
The Snap button can be used to turn
snapping on and off. Snapping ensures that clips connect directly with no blank frames
in-between. Clips snap to other clips and to the
playhead. You can also jump the playhead to the
start or end of clips using the Page Up and Page Down keys.
J and L cuts1
When working with a linked media asset
which contains video and audio, both tracks will be
trimmed in synchronization. You can
trim only one track by holding ALT while
performing the trim, a technique known as J and L cuts.
A J cut is
when the audio begins before the cut in the video, creating a J shape, as in
the selected clip above.
An L cut is
when the video begins before the cut in the audio, creating an L shape, as in
the selected clip above.
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