Thursday, October 27, 2016


What is HTML 5?

HTML comes in different versions. When people talk about HTML 5 they are talking about the updates to the mark up language. These updates were agreed (mostly) by a whole host of different parties, all members of an organisation called W3C. W3C was founded in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee, who also created the first version of HTML and invented the World Wide Web. They now oversee the defining of new Web technologies. Comapnies who make browser like Microsoft (Internet Explorer), Mozilla (FireFox), and Apple (Safari) can then decide which of the new Web technoligies they wish to implement.
Most of the big names in browser technology decided to implement quite a lot of the new suggested updates (specifications) put forward by the W3C. These specifications are commonly known as HTML 5. In practice, this means implementing features like HTML Video and audio directly into the browser, as opposed to needing a 3rd party plugin like Adobe's Flash. Another exciting update is something called the Canvas tag. This allows you to create quite sophisticated animations and graphics using Javascipt, again without needing a 3rd-party plugin.
There are a whole lot of new HTML tags that take browser technology forward into the 21st century. Throughout this course, we'll introduce you to the essential HTML 5 tags that you need in order to create a modern web page.


HTML is written in something called tags. Tags come in pairs, an opening one and a closing one. The first pair of tags we'll write are the HTML tags themselves. You put one HTML tag at the top, and one at the bottom:

This tells a browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox that the code is HyperText Markup Language.
Two things to notice here. One, that the word HTML is surrounded by angle brackets (the Less Than and Greater Than keys on your keyboard); and two that the second Tag has a forward slash before the HTML.
All your tags must be surrounded by the angle brackets < >. This tells the browser that there is some HTML code that needs executing, and that it is not to be shown on the web page. Miss an angle bracket out and it can really mess up your web page.
So add those two tags to your text editor and it will look like this:
figure 1

The first Tag tells the browser to start doing something; the second tag tells the browser to stop doing it. The stop symbol is that forward slash. So miss that out and, again, your web page can really be messed up.
The next pair of tags are the HEAD tags: They go between the two HTML ones:



Again, notice that both the HEAD tags are surrounded by angle brackets, and there is a forward slash before the final one </HEAD>.
The HEAD section of HTML page is where you put special instructions for the browser. Your browser will not print directly to a web page when things are inserted into the HEAD section. For example, if you wanted to display the words 'Hello World' on your page, and you typed them in between the two HEAD tags, then the Browser would just ignore them. That's because 'Hello World' is direct text, and not a special instruction that the browser can understand.
A special instruction your browser can understand is the TITLE tag:

The Title tag always goes in the HEAD section of the HTML skeleton.

                        <TITLE>    </TITLE>

The TITLE tag doesn't do very much. And it definitely should not be confused with the name of your web page. If you saved your web page as MyFamily.html then that would have no bearing on or relationship with the TITLE tag. Whatever you type between the two TITLE tags is what appears at the very top of your browser window. And that's it, that's all it does. (You'll see what it looks like in a moment.)
The final, and most important part, of the HTML skeleton is the BODY section.

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